Carpenter, S., author, A PTSD Primer: When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things,
King County Bar Association Bulletin, Volume 29, Issue 6 (February 2011)
Carpenter S., author, Defending Gay Soldiers Who Defend America,
King County Bar Association Bulletin, Volume 28, Issue 8 (April 2010)
Carpenter, S., author, The Audacity of Accountability: Resolving the Torture Memo Conundrum by Court-martial, King County Bar Association Bulletin, Volume 28, Issue 3 (November 2009)
Carpenter, S., author, Guantanamo 101: Rejecting Cruel, Unusual and Degrading Justice, National Institute of Military Justice, (May 2009)
Carpenter, S., author, Military Commissions: ‘Justice’ Guantanamo Style,
King County Bar Association Bulletin, Volume 26, Issue 11 (July 2008)
Carpenter, S., author, Federal Criminal Practice: A Military Justice Primer,
Washington State Bar News, Volume 59, No. 9 (September 2005)
Carpenter, S., author, Blessed are the Peacemakers: Remembering Kosovo,
Oregon State Bar Bulletin, Volume 62, No. 5 (March 2002)
Carpenter, S., author, Landmines and NATO’s Allied Rapid Reaction Corps,
JAGCNET Website (November 2000)